pátek 19. prosince 2008


Aussie is used defensively by some Australians as a term of identification for people of the traditional cultural group (of Australian British descent). A parallel exists between its usage within Australia and Boer in South Africe, both terms referring to the descendants of early settlers, as opposed to later immigrants

Aussie then is offensive to those who believe that it unfairly excludes outgroups as not equally Australian. It may also be used in a derogatory sense by those who do not consider themselves Australian to label those who do. In spite of attempts by schools, politicians and the news media to use the term as an all-encompassing label for those with Australian citizenship, it has continued to retain some usage as an ethnic descriptor, especially among youth. Another reason for the discriminatory use of term Aussie is the tension between official citizenship status on one hand and self-identity and identity by the community on the other, a tension by no means unique to Australian society.


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